Cookie Policy

This page describes the cookie policy for domain names and other sites owned, operated or controlled by (the Website). If you do not accept this Cookie Policy, please do not use this site.

What are cookies?

When a user visits a website, the site will create files known as cookies – which are small text files – on its users’ computers. These cookies are designed to allow the website to recognize its users on subsequent visits, or to authorize other designated websites to recognize these users for a particular purpose.

Cookies do a lot of different jobs which make your experience of the Internet much smoother and more interactive. For example, they are used to remember your preferences on sites you visit often, to remember your user ID and the contents of your shopping baskets, and to help you navigate between pages more efficiently. They also help ensure that the advertisements that you see online are more relevant to you and your interests. Much, but not all, of the data that they collect is anonymous, though some of it is designed to detect browsing patterns and approximate geographical location to improve user experience.

In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts, and provide anonymized tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser.

Some websites may also contain images called ‘web beacons’ (also known as ‘clear gifs’). Web beacons only collect limited information, including a cookie number, a timestamp, and a record of the page on which they are placed. Websites may also carry web beacons placed by third party advertisers. These beacons do not carry any personally identifiable information and are only used to track the effectiveness of a particular campaign (for example by counting the number of visitors). Information collected by cookies and web beacons is not personally identifiable.

How do we use cookies? may use cookies, web beacons or similar technologies to enhance and personalize your experience of the Website, including to operate and improve offerings through the Website; to help authenticate your identity when you visit and transact with the Website; to remember your preferences and registration information; to present and help measure and research the effectiveness of the various offerings, advertisements, and e-mail communications (by determining which e-mails you open and act upon); and to customize the content and advertisements provided to you.

We believe that your experience of the site would be adversely affected if you opted out of the cookies we use.

What type of cookies are there and which ones do we use?

There are two types of cookies:

  1. Persistent cookies remain on a user’s device for a set period of time specified in the cookie. They are activated each time that the user visits the website that created that particular cookie.
  2. Session cookies are temporary. They allow website operators to link the actions of a user during a browser session. A browser session starts when a user opens the browser window and finishes when they close the browser window. Once you close the browser, all session cookies are deleted.

Cookies also have, broadly speaking, four different functions and can be categorized as follow: ‘strictly necessary’ cookies, ‘performance’ cookies, ‘functionality’ cookies and ‘targeting’ or ‘advertising’ cookies.

  1. Strictly necessary cookies are essential to navigate around a website and use its features. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to use basic services like registration or shopping baskets. These cookies do not gather information about you that could be used for marketing or remembering where you’ve been on the internet. Examples of how we use ‘strictly necessary’ cookies include:
  2. Setting unique identifiers for each unique visitor, so site numbers can be analyzed.
  3. Allowing you to sign in to the Website as a registered user.
  4. Performance cookies collect anonymous data for statistical purposes on how visitors use a website, they don’t contain personal information, and are used to improve your user experience of a website. Here are some examples of how we use performance cookies:
  5. Gathering data about visits to the Website, including numbers of visitors and visits, length of time spent on the site, pages clicked on or where visitors have come from.
  6. For comparison with other websites using data collected by industry-accepted measurement and research companies.
  7. Information supplied by performance cookies helps us to understand how you use the Website; for example, whether or not you have visited before, what you looked at or clicked on and how you found us. We can then use this data to help improve our services. We generally use independent analytics companies to perform these services for us and when this is the case, these cookies may be set by a third-party company (third party cookies).
  8. If you have registered with the Website, we can combine the data from the web analytics services and their cookies with the information you have supplied to us, so that we can make your experience more personal by recommending certain programs to you based on your viewing behavior or tailoring your emails with content you might find more interesting. We would only do this if you have given us permission to communicate with you. Sometimes the data used from the web analytics companies has been collected before you registered or signed in. In these cases, if we use this data to identify you, we use it only in accordance with our privacy policy.
  9. Functionality cookies allow users to customize how a website looks for them: they can remember usernames, language preferences and regions. Here are some examples of how we use functionality cookies:
  10. Storing your user preferences on Your Account page.
  11. Restricting the number of times you’re shown a particular advertisement (which is sometimes called ‘frequency capping’.
  12. Remembering if you’ve been to the site before so that messages intended for first-time users are not displayed to you.
  13. Advertising and targeting cookies are used to deliver advertisements more relevant to you, but can also limit the number of times you see an advertisement, and be used to chart the effectiveness of an ad campaign by tracking users’ clicks. They can also provide security in transactions. They are usually placed by third-party advertising networks with a website operator’s permission, but can be placed by the operator themselves. They can remember that you have visited a website, and this information can be shared with other organizations, including other advertisers. They cannot determine who you are though, as the data collected is never linked to your profile. The two main ways we use advertising and targeting cookies are set out below:
  14. Interest-based advertising (or online behavioral advertising) is where cookies are placed on your device by our third-party service providers which remember your web browsing activity and group together your interests in order to provide you with targeted advertisements which are more relevant to you when you visit warlistop. Your previous web browsing activity can also be used to infer things about you, such as your demographics (age, gender etc.). This information may also be used to make the advertising on warlistop more relevant to you.
  15. ‘Retargeting’ is a form of interest-based advertising that enables our advertising partners to show you advertisements selected based on your online browsing activity away from the Website. This allows companies to advertise to people who previously visited their website. These cookies will usually be placed on your device by third-party advertising networks and we have listed the main third-party networks we work with below.
  16. Without these cookies, online advertisements you encounter will be less relevant to you and your interests. If you would like more information about interest-based advertising, including how to opt-out of these cookies, please visit

How do I control my cookies?

You should be aware that any preferences will be lost if you delete cookies and many websites will not work properly or you will lose some functionality. We do not recommend turning cookies off when using our Website for these reasons.

Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can alter the settings of your browser to erase cookies or prevent automatic acceptance if you prefer. Generally, you have the option to see what cookies you’ve got and delete them individually, block third party cookies or cookies from particular sites, accept all cookies, to be notified when a cookie is issued or reject all cookies. Visit the ‘options’ or ‘preferences’ menu on your browser to change settings, and check the following links for more browser-specific information.

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer

Cookie settings in Firefox

Cookie settings in Chrome

Cookie settings in Safari

We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser or taking a look at the About Cookies website which offers guidance for all modern browsers

Managing Performance Cookies

It is possible to opt out of having your anonymized browsing activity within websites recorded by performance cookies. Warlistop uses various companies and you can opt out of their cookies by clicking on the relevant links. Please note that this will take you to the relevant third party’s website and generate a ‘no thanks’ cookie, which will stop any further cookies being set by those third parties.

Don’t forget that by not allowing performance cookies, this stops us from being able to learn what people like or don’t like about our Website so that we can make it better.


Google Analytics:


YouTube Tracking:

Social Media Sharing

Allows you to share comments / ratings/pages / bookmarks and helps to provide access to social networks and social online tools more easily.


Facebook Connect and Facebook Plugins:







Provides anonymous information about visitors, such as the websites they visit before and/or after visiting warlistop website.

Google Analytics Advertising features:

Managing advertising cookies:

Please note that if you want to opt out from receiving targeted advertising, this does not mean that you will receive less advertising when you use our Website. This just means that the advertising you see will not be as customized to you.

However, if you still want to switch off third-party advertising cookies, you can do this by visiting the Internet Advertising Bureau’s consumer advice site, This will give you a list of all cookies that are currently set on your device and how to opt out of each of them. Please note that this list will contain more networks than just found on the Website. The website ensures that all third-party advertising networks and advertisers who set cookies on our Website are signed up to this website.

User Agreement

By continuing to use our site, you agree to the placement of cookies on your device. If you choose not to receive our cookies, we cannot guarantee that your experience will be as fulfilling as it would otherwise be. For instance, the site won’t be able to recognize your commenter ID, meaning that you won’t be able to leave comments.

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